The main 'hero' is an immortal warrior who is partially controlled by demon of Violence [Romantic]

Okay, the main 'hero' is an immortal warrior who is partially controlled by demon of Violence. Yes, Violence, which the heroine, Ashlyn, is dating. He spends the first 50 pages (give or take) chanting kill, murder, slice, hurt, killkillkill to himself. He acknowledges that while he tries to fight the demon, he does fail - on a nearly nightly bases. Now, I'm aware that in this genre love conquers all and that relationships and people in romance novels are not expected to be 100% realistic. I know this. But. If your best friend, Sally, comes to you and says that she met this really great guy who is loving and caring and good to her, but he tells her that he holds the demon of Violence in his body, not joking, you would think one of three things 1). He is crazy, 2) He has a demon of Violence in his body, or 3) this is a lovely metaphor of his behavior after three beers. In any case, wouldn't you tell Sally to run, not walk, to the nearest exit? I had a really hard time overlooking the mass murder aspect of their relationship. My bad.
The Hero(s). The hero and his friends are the ultimate 'bad boys.' They are immortal warriors each containing a demon. Maddox, the warrior of this book, has the demon of Violence and is only partly in control of it. And why does he have this demon?Most people either adored or hated this book.Because he and his friends were so pissed off that the job of guarding the box of demons was given to Pandora, a girl, that they stole the box and opened it and so released Violence, Wrath, Death, Disease, Disaster, Pain, Misery, Lies, Secrets, Doubt, and Promiscuity into the world. Yeah. Very heroic. Maddox also has the distinction of being the one who killed Pandora, while he was Violence.
The Mythology. I think the author could have picked better demons. For example, Violence and Wrath. Both guys are all about the killing. Violence has whole mindless rage going on while Wrath kills people according to their crime (rapists have their penis removed, etc). Shouldn't Wrath be Hammurabi or Vengeance? Or is that not evil enough? Because I don't think Promiscuity, Lies, or Secrets are that evil either. I mean, Secrets? Really?Necessary Evil. Which leads us to another little question of what would happen if only Death and Lies got sucked into the box? I'll even throw in Disease as well. Death, Lies, and Disease are in the box and out of the world. Which means no more telling Aunt Jenny you love the fruitcake and the orange sweater she gave you for your birthday. Lies help grease the social wheel. Just a fact. Which leaves us with the problem of Death and age. You don't get eternal youth, you just don't get to die. You can still be injured and hurt and age, but no Death. It's probably a good thing that the immortal warriors are not going into the box.
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Most people either a..And what about that .. ブログトップ
